Szloma Albam Scholarship

The Szloma Albam Scholarship for Voluntary Service
with Aktion Sühnezeichen Friedensdienste

The Szloma Albam Foundation in Berlin has been promoting education and upbringing, science and research as well as art and culture in a Jewish context since 1999. More information:

The foundation awards up to four scholarships annually to Aktion Sühnezeichen Friedensdienste volunteers.

The scholarships are primarily aimed at Jewish volunteers who biographically – regardless of their religious orientation and practice – feel connected to the Jewish world in its cultural breadth and who would like to get involved socially and politically for a democratic, liberal and open society.

Please note your interest in a Szloma Albam Scholarship in your CV with your application.

The scholarships are awarded in the spring of each year after the applicants have been accepted for volunteer service.

Volunteer service #mitASF

Aktion Sühnezeichen Friedensdienste (ASF) has been enabling volunteers to take political responsibility for a more just and peaceful world for over sixty years. Currently, ASF sends more than 160 volunteers for a one-year service in 11 countries in Europe, Israel and the USA.

The volunteers are involved in a wide range of projects that combat discrimination against people on the basis of religion, sexual identity, skin colour or language. They support socially disadvantaged people, e.g. refugees or homeless people, people with disabilities and survivors of the Shoah and Nazi persecution and their relatives. They work in memorials, archives and museums, in peace and human rights organisations. They actively campaign against anti-Semitism, racism and other forms of group-based misanthropy in the present.

Learning about and dealing with one’s own history, getting to know other narratives and perspectives, as well as perceiving the relevance of history for current relations are foundations for warding off anti-democratic and anti-human attitudes. The ASF volunteer groups are made up of people from different religious, cultural and family backgrounds. The exchange in these diverse groups benefits greatly by the participation of Jewish volunteers.

ASF volunteers receive pocket money, food allowance and free accommodation during their period of service. ASF takes out an insurance package for the volunteers (health, accident and liability insurance abroad) and covers the costs of travel to and from the host country and visas. ASF accompanies the volunteers with an interesting seminar programme.

The costs of international voluntary service are continuously rising, especially for accommodation, energy and travel/transport. ASF continuously seeks grants to cover the programme costs. In addition, ASF volunteers are asked to build up a circle of supporters. These are individuals and institutions who financially support ASF’s volunteer programme.

In addition, the scholarships of the Szloma Albam Foundation enable a broader participation in socio-political engagement and promote its financial security.

For any questions about voluntary service, contact:

Karin Schröder

ASF Information Office - for general inquiries

More infromation on this topic

 Office is not staffed on Wednesdays.

Email: infobuero[at]
Phone: +49 30 28395-184
Fax: +49 30 28395-135

For any questions about the scholarship, contact:

Thomas Heldt

Deputy Executive Director & Advisor Volunteer Services

More infromation on this topic

E-Mail: heldt[at]
Phone: +49 30 28395-176
Fax: +49 30 28395-135

For any questions about the scholarship, contact:

Thomas Heldt

Deputy Executive Director & Advisor Volunteer Services

More infromation on this topic

E-Mail: heldt[at]
Phone: +49 30 28395-176
Fax: +49 30 28395-135


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