Working against right-wing extremism

A church community that positions itself against right-wing extremism and for openness to the world.

The Federal Working Group Church and Right-Wing Extremism (Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Kirche und Rechtsextremismus) is an ecumenical network of more than 50 organizations, community initiatives and project offices from the church and civil society. Its members oppose right-wing populism, right-wing extremism and various forms of group-focused misanthropy. The BAG K+R publishes texts and handouts, advises church actors on how to deal with right-wing populism and right-wing extremism, and promotes social discussion with specialist conferences, seminars and training courses.

Federal Working Group Church and Right-Wing Extremism

What does our commitment relate to?
BAG K+R’s services are primarily aimed at full-time and honorary church workers who are convinced that churches must be committed to a vibrant democracy and human rights. Group-based misanthropy is incompatible with the Christian confession. This confession excludes the assertion of biologically or ideologically constructed inequality of people or groups.
For the BAG K+R, the churches can only be part of the solution if they are self-reflective within their own ranks. This includes taking a critical look at the history and present of Christian anti-Judaism and its own racism.
At the same time, full-time and honorary church workers are repeatedly affected by attacks from the extreme right. This applies in particular to work with refugees and the church’s equality policy. The BAG K+R particularly wants to support those affected by right-wing extremist threats.
The BAG K+R sees the church as a place where clear signals are set against nationalist, anti-Semitic and racist world views and is committed to a theologically based critique of racist, anti-Semitic and misanthropic thought patterns.

How do we become active?
The BAG K+R organizes specialist conferences and training courses for full-time and honorary staff from churches and civil society. It is also present at specialist events with many presentations and workshops on right-wing populism and right-wing extremism.
The BAG K+R publishes handouts on manifestations of group-related misanthropy (including anti-Semitism, racism, discrimination based on sexual and gender diversity, racism against Sinti and Roma). The BAG K+R also publishes brochures, for example on the appropriation of theology by the extreme right or on dealing with right-wing populism in the church. The BAG K+R advises multipliers and leaders from the church and civil society on how to deal with right-wing extremist incidents. If necessary, it refers them to local or regional counseling services.
BAG K+R is a project sponsored by Aktion Sühnezeichen Friedensdienste and is funded by the federal “Live Democracy!” program. The BAG K+R is part of the Competence Network for the Prevention of Right-Wing Extremism.

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