On this page:
Berlin Office
Karin Schröder
ASF Information Office - for general inquiries
Office is not staffed on Wednesdays.
Email: infobuero[at]
Phone: +49 30 28395-184
Fax: +49 30 28395-135
Auguststraße 80, 10117 Berlin, Germany
Public transport:
Oranienburger Straße (S1, S2, S25, S26; M1, M5)
Oranienburger Tor (U6; M1, M5, 12)
Tucholskystraße (Bus 142)
ASF donation account
DE72 3702 0500 0003 1137 00
Bank für Sozialwirtschaft, Berlin/Cologne, Germany
Executive Board
Jutta Weduwen
Executive Director
Email: weduwen[at]
Phone: +49 30 28 395-201
Fax: +49 30 28 395-135
Thomas Heldt
Deputy Executive Director | Advisor Volunteer Services
E-Mail: heldt[at]
Phone: +49 30 28395-176
Fax: +49 30 28395-135
Matteo Schürenberg
Deputy Executive Director & Public Relations Officer
E-Mail: presse[at]
Phone: +49 30 28395-203
Mob.: +49 1511 7776953
Fax: +49 30 28395-135
Claudia Stüwe
Executive Assistant
Email: stuewe[at]
Phone: +49 30 28395-201
Fax: +49 30 28395-135
Public Relations
Matteo Schürenberg
Deputy Executive Director & Public Relations Officer
E-Mail: presse[at]
Phone: +49 30 28395-203
Mob.: +49 1511 7776953
Fax: +49 30 28395-135
Denise Kunze
Administration & Department of Communication
E-Mail: kunze[at]
Phone: +49 30 28395-204
Fax: +49 30 28395-135
Thora-Marit Bilz
Student Assistant
E-Mail: bilz[at]
Phone: +49 30 28395-204
Fax: +49 30 28395-135
Hannah Schmidt
Student Assistant
E-Mail: hannahschmidt[at]
Phone: +49 30 28395-204
Fax: +49 30 28395-135
Janika Higgins
Advisor Fundraising
E-Mail: higgins[at]
Phone: +49 30 28395-228
Fax: +49 30 28395-135
Lucie Marois
Donation Service / ESC Coordinator
E-Mail: marois[at]
Phone: +49 30 28395-117
Fax: +49 30 28395-135
Lucie Marois
Donation Service / IT-Support
By proxy
E-Mail: marois[at]
Phone: +49 30 28395-117
Fax: +49 30 28395-135
Regional Work
Lucia Gries
Advisor for Regional Work
(covering for Jonna Lüers)
E-Mail: gries[at]
Phone: +49 30 28395-182
Fax: +49 30 28395-135
Denise Kunze
Administration & Department of Communication
E-Mail: kunze[at]
Phone: +49 30 28395-204
Fax: +49 30 28395-135
Karl Scharpf
Student Assistant
E-Mail: scharpf[at]
Phone: +49 30 28395-281
Fax: +49 30 28395-135
Volunteer Services Department: Greece / Transnational Volunteer Coordination / Deputy Executive Director
Thomas Heldt
Deputy Executive Director | Advisor Volunteer Services
E-Mail: heldt[at]
Phone: +49 30 28395-176
Fax: +49 30 28395-135
Simone Schulz
Volunteer Coordination Administrator
E-Mail: schulz[at]
Phone: +49 30 28395-172
Fax: +49 30 28395-135
Volunteer Services Department: Belgium, France, Netherlands / Departure Seminars / Memorial Trips / ESC Coordination
Clara Tamir-Hestermann
Advisor for Volunteer Services
Phone: +49 30 28395-217
Fax: +49 30 28395-135
Leonie Löwisch
Student assistant
E-Mail: loewisch[at]
Phone: +49 30 28395-170
Fax: +49 30 28395-135
Hannah Steinbach
Student Assistant
E-Mail: steinbach[at]
Phone: +49 30 28395-170
Fax: +49 30 28395-135
Volunteer Services Department: Germany, Great Britain, Norway, Poland / Trainee programs / Return seminar
Lena Grimm
Advisor for Volunteer Services
(covering for Charlotte Wiesenthal)
E-Mail: grimm[at]
Phone: +49 30 28395-188
Fax: +49 30 28395-135
Lora Kutnevič
Student Assistant
E-Mail: kutnevic[at]
Phone: +49 30 28395-179
Fax: +49 30 28395-135
Volunteer Services Department: Israel, USA / Admissions Seminar
Dr. Maria Hughes
Advisor Volunteer Services
E-Mail: hughes[at]
Phone: +49 30 28395-181
Fax: +49 30 28395-135
Kseniia Pereplotchykova
Student Assistant
E-Mail: pereplotchykova[at]
Phone: +49 30 28395-180
Fax: +49 30 28395-135
Volunteer Services Department: Belarus, Czech Republic, Russia, Ukraine / International Summer Camps / Foundation EVZ
Alexandra Gurkova
Advisor for Volunteer Services
E-Mail: gurkova[at]
Phone: +49 30 28395-214
Fax: +49 30 28395-135
Philipp Ziems
Administrator for International Summer Camps
E-Mail: sommer[at]
E-Mail: ziems[at]
Phone: +49 30 28395-220
Fax: +49 30 28395-135
Lizaveta Melekh
Volunteer International summer camp
Mail: sommer[at]
Phone: +49 30 28395-220
Programme: Stories from migration society
Anne Scholz
Project Coordinator
E-Mail: scholz[at]
Phone: +49 30 28395-165
Fax: +49 30 28395-135
Sara Spring
Project Coordinator
Mail: spring[at]
Phone: +49 30 28395-156
Fax: +49 30 28395-135
Programme: Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Kirche & Rechtsextremismus
Project Coordinator
Finance Department
Kirsten Möller
Advisor for Finances
E-Mail: moeller[at]
Phone: +49 30 28395-206
Fax: +49 30 28395-135
Sabine Behr
Financial accounting
E-Mail: behr[at]
Phone: +49 30 28395-205
Fax: +49 30 28395-135
Susanne Schulz
Financial accounting
E-Mail: susanne.schulz[at]
Phone: +49 30 28395-287
Fax: +49 30 28395-135
Christian Joachim
E-Mail: joachim[at]
Phone: +49 30 28395-287
Fax: +49 30 28395-135
Country Directors
Clara von Verschuer
Country Director Belgium and UK
ASF België/Belgique
ARSP United Kingdom
174, Rue Joseph II
1000 Bruxelles
E-mail: belgien[at]
Phone: +32- 492 53 46 22
Anne Katrin Scheffbuch
Country Director Germany | Church relations | Alumni Groups
Aktion Sühnezeichen Friedensdienste
Auguststr. 80
10117 Berlin
E-mail: scheffbuch[at]
Phone: +49 511 98248299
Fax: +49 30 28395-135
Annika Uepping
Country Director France
Comité d’ASF
86, rue de Gergovie
75014 Paris
Phone: (0)30-28395 183
Phone (France): 07 49 53 25 30
Sabrina Gröschel
UK Program
St Margarets House
21 Old Ford Road, London E2 9PL
E-mail: grossbritannien[at]
Phone: +44 2081 443736
Fax: +44 20 89819944
Uriel Kashi
Country Director Israel
Rh. Ein Gedi 28
93383 Jerusalem
E-Mail: israel[at]
Phone: +972 2 6732587
Fax: +972 2 6717540
Janina Abts
Country Director Netherlands
Ketelhuisplein 7
1054 RD Amsterdam
E-Mail: niederlande[at]
Phone: +31 20 6842723
Mobile: +31 613 080 301
Doris Wöhncke
Country Director Norway
Aktion Sühnezeichen Friedensdienste
Auguststr. 80
10117 Berlin
E-Mail: norwegen[at]
Phone: +47 99 855795
Urszula Sieńczak
Country Director Poland
Stowarzyszenie ASF w Polsce
Piekary 2
32-060 Liszki
E-Mail: polen[at]
Phone:+48 12 2806287
Viola Jakschová
Country Director Czech Republic
Máchova 7
120 00 Praha
E-Mail: tschechien[at]
Phone: +420 2 52545694
Office Hours: Tue – Thu 9:00 – 16:00h
Monika Moyrer, PhD
Country Director USA
1501 Cherry Street
Philadelphia, PA 19102
E-Mail: usa[at]
Phone: +1 215 2417249